Thursday, July 17, 2008


Jesus Christ died for me and you. He took the sins of all of the world on His shoulders. He experienced His Father Gods wrath to the extent that our sins can be forgiven. Our sins. All of them throughout history. All peoples sin! Jesus took all of this on Himself! "My God! My God! why have you forsaken me"!? A holy Jesus on a torchering cross, suffering unimaginable pain, anguish, and taking upon Himself the punishment necessary to atone a Holy God for the sin that we are born with and He did not commit! A holy, perfect Jesus that experienced His Father God turning His back on Him. Ashamed of Him. All of this done for me! For you! Now that is Love!

I like to think that I would die or sacrifice my life for that of another. I like to think that the love that God has instilled in me would be sufficient for me to take that step were in necessary. I do after all have an eternity in heaven with my Jesus, my Savior to look forward too. Would you die for someone else? Can I take this a step farther? Would you die for the person who murdered your parents? Your child? Your spouse? What if that person were unrepentant? How about another step. Would you suffer while you died? One more step! Would you take that persons place in hell? Forever? Forever!!!! Do you have that much love in you? I don't think that I do. I don't know that we are capable of that kind of love. Jesus was and is capable of that kind of love. That is what he did for us! Now that is Love! Thank You Jesus, my Savior for that kind of love! Help me to share that kind of love with those who are lost!

I praise God that I serve a risen Savior who lives in my heart today! I praise God for His sacrifice! I praise God that Jesus sits at Gods right hand and intercedes for us! Father help me never for forget what you have done for me! Make it more real to me every day. I praise You!

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