Sunday, August 31, 2008


Today was a pretty cool day. My heavenly Father and I had an appointment at about 5 AM. He got me up early to pray. I just love that. I then had breakfast with a dear friend and his family at a local restaurant where my friend told me about a guy he met yesterday who was going through some tough times in his young marriage. They were even thinking about divorce. I told my friend that I would have liked to have been able to talk to him. Well, guess who sat next to me in church? You guessed it! My father God had another divine appointment for me. I was able to share with this young man how terrible divorce is. How I regret so many of the decisions I made in my own young marriage. I talked to him about love and forgiveness and not keeping track of wrongs, (I Cor. 13), spiritual leadership. I had a chance to share with him what I learned through my divorce. How awful bitterness is. How I cherish the godly men in my life and how important they are to me and my life as a christian. I was able to relate a lot to him from a different perspective then most christian men could. I praise God for using me in spite of my circumstances! It is indeed an honor. Please pray for my friend as he struggles in his marriage. We have a great God who can do all things!

1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

What a great thing!!