Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have been enjoying the Desiring God blog for sometime now. Today's post was, for me, something to get excited about. If the "church" today could grasp this truth there would be true revival. True repentance. True fellowship. The following is from John Piper.

Discernment is not created in God's people by brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance. It is created by biblical truth and the application of truth by the power of the Holy Spirit to our hearts and minds. When that happens, then the brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance will have the strong fiber of the full counsel of God in them. They will be profoundly Christian and not merely religious and emotional and psychological.

We see so many "churches" today base their entire belief system on emotions, feelings and works. This just should not be! Pick up those Bibles people! Get into God's word, put Christ first, apply biblical truth by the power of the Holy Spirit! That is what being a Christian is all about! He is the Way the Truth and the Life!

If you get a chance check out today's post at Desiring God. There is a lot of good stuff there! I'm not all that savvy with computers so you will have to either cut and paste the link or just go there yourself! The title of the blog is "Test revival with doctrine".

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