Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sinner to sinner part 2

How much do you hate sin? I'll bet you all the money in the world that no matter who you are and where you are in life, you don't hate sin nearly enough. I know for sure that I don't. Why? Because I still sin! I can't imagine the pain that my Savior had to go through for my sin! God can't even tolerate to have sin in His holy presence. The same God that sacrificed His son as a payment for our sin so that someday we may able to stand in His presence. Yesterday I listened to a sermon by John Piper about sin. I can't remember the sermon title but he talked quite a bit about how much Christ suffered for you and me. The suffering on the cross, God turning His back on Him. In a nutshell Christ suffered an amount equivalent to what all of the human race would suffer in hell for eternity as payment for our sins. I'm not what you would call an expert on the effects of sin, but scripture is not silent when it comes to hell. Eternal torment, Luke 16:33, eternal separation from God, eternal fire, Matt 5:22, eternal condemnation Matt 23:33. Eternal is forever and ever, that is indeed a high price to pay. I can not even begin to fathom how much Christ suffered in those hours. I can't understand the magnitude of the love that He has for us. I don't think that we will ever understand how much He suffered for our sin, yet we continue to sin! I hate that! Can you see your face in the crowd screaming crucify Him!!!! I sure can see mine. We had communion this past Sunday. It really hit me hard that every time I sin is another blow with the hammer that nailed Christ to that cursed tree. I hate the sin I have in my life. I hate it more and more every day and I still don't hate it enough. Father help me to HATE the sin in my life! Help me to nail my sin on the cross and never look back. I praise You for your suffering. I praise You for the cross. I praise You for your love. I praise You for the gospel, for salvation, for your Son. Thank you.

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