Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Amusement Park Church

Just think of all the people we could attract to our church if we had an amusement park associated with it! Maybe we could even name some rides after popular stories from the Old Testament. We could even have people dress up in costumes that resemble some of the heroes of the faith! We could have rides and shows and animals, and games. Don't forget about the light show and fireworks followed by a brief message about a loving God. Add some rockin' music with a kickin' beat and our church would grow by leaps and bounds!

All that may be true. The church might grow. But why? Amusement? Entertainment? Lights? The show? I found this Spurgeon quote today on the Truth Matters blog. I think Mr Spurgeon hits the nail on the head. He says:

“The devil has seldom done a cleverer thing than hinting to the church that part of their mission is to provide entertainment for the people, with a view to winning them...providing amusement for the people is nowhere spoken of in the Scriptures as a function of the church...the need is for Biblical doctrine, so understood and felt that it sets men aflame.”

I know that what I have written above is a little extreme. It is true though. More and more in churches today the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is softened. People are brought in because the music is more contemporary, the speaker more flamboyant, the church more accepting, the people more "loving". In many cases we are missing the point! Jesus did not come to be entertaining! He came to save sinners! Jesus did not come to be amusing! He came to die! We so often forget that God is just. He hates sin. Many times in the Old Testament we see the destruction of kings and nations. Why are they destroyed? SIN! SIN! SIN! God hates sin! He hates sin so much that He cannot even tolerate to be in the presence of it! Yet he loves us so much that He gave his Son to die for us! We must preach the Gospel, the power of God above all things! That is what saves people not entertainment! The Gospel will change lives! I know that it has changed mine! Entertainment does not. Folks may get excited and enjoy entertainment, but it is empty. There is no meat. We need a Savior not a comedian. We are lost in our sin, worthless, empty. Entertainment will not change that! Jesus can and will! Look to the Cross of Christ, it does have the power to change your life. That is what we must preach in our churches! Look to the Cross!

1 comment:

Michael M said...

Do you think that Entertainment is what bring a lot of people to church today? I love that post, it is very good!