Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Gospel

This past weekend was the 5th annual ABC men's conference at Camp of the Woods. It was truly an awesome experience to worship with almost 200 other men, all of which are dedicated to the same gospel. The one and only Gospel. The good news of Jesus Christ our Lord. The guest speaker is a man I have really learned to admire. A man who loves the Lord. A man who does his all to live his life inside the Gospel. This man's name is Milton Vincent. He wrote the book "The Gospel Primer for Christians". I would highly recommend this book to all Christians! Please read it!

I have had some time to try and digest some of the truths that were brought forth during this conference. I would like to share with you, what was for me, the most life changing. It's the idea of living your life with the Gospel in front of you face. It is looking at life not with "rose colored lenses", but using the Cross of Christ as a lense to view all things. I know that at different seasons in my life, I have lived with many different things in front of my face. Self has always been a big one. I am selfish. Fear is another. The fear of man and what they will think of me. How shallow of me! Who cares! If we, as Christians who love the Lord can live our lives with the Gospel in front of our faces and nothing else, the Lord will use that to change the world! If we interpret all things through the Gospel we will be changed. We will see our God in a new light. We will see others in a new light. We will see trials in a new light. Do you want to change the world for Jesus? I believe that this is the first step! God's word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is eternal, we will be in eternity with them! Let us, you and me keep the Gospel in front of our faces, conquer our sins, and take this world for our God. We deserve wrath! God has given us grace.

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