Friday, October 31, 2008

ESV Study Bible

I was waiting anxiously the other day for a package to arrive in the mail. I'm not very good at waiting sometimes! I just get so excited! You should see me on Christmas eve, just like a little kid. I am always the first one up. Well, this particular package was important to me because it contained 2 ESV study bibles. One for me and the other for my son Tyler. Upon receiving the above mentioned treasures I realized that they were the largest study bibles I had ever encountered in all of my 34 years. Something akin to the family bible that has been passed down from generation to generation. Secretly, I was happy to see the mass of this bible! Now when I walk into church I can hold my head high because I know that a big bible means big spirituality! Admit it! You have thought it too!

Seriously though. I love this study bible! Admittedly I have very little experience reading ESV, but so far it is a joy to read. The commentary is outstanding, the layout is nice, plenty of room for notes, there are even blank pages in the back for additional notes! There is also a ton of other info spread out in the different sections of scripture and a large section in the rear that talks about systematic theology! Another feature that I am really enjoying is the online version. A very useful tool! The Reformed and Calvinist leaning is also very appreciated!

It has been a blessing working with this bible with my son. This is his first study bible and I am enjoying the process of teaching him how to use this powerful tool! I pray that we would both grow closer to our God as we spend time in His eternal Word together!

All this for under 45 bucks! I would highly recommend this bible to anyone in the market!

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