Saturday, January 10, 2009

Old friends, Hard times

I had a chance today to catch up with a friend who I had not seen in a while. Our conversation brought me back to a time when I was going through what he seems to be going through now.

When Nancy left 6 or 7 years ago I went through many different emotions. The most destructive was for sure bitterness. I was very angry with life in general. I didn't care about too much of anything (except myself). I lived life as I wanted to no matter who it hurt. Like I said, I just didn't care. I know that I hurt many of my loved ones, friends and family alike. I think that this is where my friend is now. At least this is the road he is on. I hurt for him. I hope and pray that he never goes as far into sin and selfishness as I did.

I now feel horrible about how I lived and how I treated people, especially my Christian friends and family. I know that they were reaching out in love. I hate that I was so wrapped up in myself. You know what though? All of those friends I was so rotten too stuck with me. I praise God for that! I have such wonderful friends that I just do not deserve! I now praise God for all that I went through. I learned so much. We have such an awesome God. A God that loves us regardless. It is awesome to think that God can use even the terrible things in life to bring glory to Him!

We have so much to be thankful for. We deserve hell! Life is way to short to waste on bitterness.

If you think of it please pray for my friend.


THEOparadox said...


I can sure relate to all of that. My wife and I were once separated for two and a half years. Yeah, I was unbelievably selfish, angry, bitter and foolish during much of that time. God miraculously (and I do mean MIRACULOUSLY) restored our marriage. More importantly though, He reconciled me to Himself, forgave all my sin, and put me on a new path. Praise God for His never ending mercies! I pray your friend will find rest in God's grace before long, and that you will be able to be that godly friend he needs in the meantime. We're all miserable creatures apart from Him.

God gave me the most wonderful prayer partner during those years, without whose friendship I would surely be lost today. He was like Jesus to me, and simply wouldn't give up on me - no matter how bad I got.

Thank God for His great mercy.

Rob Peck said...

It appears that we have a lot in common! Minus the healed marriage. My flesh is so eager to date again. I just don't know if it's proper. Something I have been praying about and seeking the council of godly men. Still I don't know. I am resting in my God and His sovereignty. Doing my best to be content!

I thank you for your words. The blogging world is amazing. Continue to be strong and courageous!

Any chance you are heading to the Desiring God pastors conference in Feb?

Blessings My friend!

THEOparadox said...


I WISH I could go to the John Piper pastor's conference. But, since I'm not a pastor and I have precious little vacation time, I will not be able to go. What a privilege it would be to sit under his teaching.

I pray God will bring the right person into your life at the right time. He will give you grace and wisdom, and you are wise to seek counsel.

I marvel at the fact that God restored my marriage. I can tell you it was not because of any merit in me. My wife would also tell you that. However, since God has allowed your situation to remain as it is, you may find that you have a special empathy and compassion for your friend - and he may need it.


Rob Peck said...


I appreciate your encouraging words! I am not a pastor either. I was invited to go by one of the elders at my church, a very godly man who is discipiling me. I could not turn that offer down! Were are you located? Would be great to sit down and have a cup of java if I ever get your way! If not there is always eternity!

How are things with your son?


THEOparadox said...


I'm in Northeast Florida. Where is the John Piper conference going to be? What an incredible privilege to attend it - I hope you receive much from the Lord there.

If you ever get over this way, let me know and we'll have that cup of coffee.

My son is doing well, but he still has a small lump on his neck. We're delaying surgery as long as we can, in the hopes that he will be healed.


Rob Peck said...

Maybe I should head your way soon! supposed to be around 20 below 0 here at night and a high of 0. I like winter but this is a little cold!

Do you have a facebook account? My email is
