Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pastors Conference

I just have to share with all of my friends in blog world that I will be leaving for the Desiring God Pastors Conference on Sunday! I am uber (that's a Brian word) excited! God is so good. There is no way I could have afforded this trip on my own. God provided it all. Some very special folks provided funds for this trip. It is awesome to see how the Church of God takes care of the people of God! The theme of this years conference is evangelism! Did I mention that I am excited?! 'Cause I am! It will be such a blessing to be surrounded by 1400 other like-minded men praising our God, learning about our God, submitting to our God, and glorifying our God!

It was not too long ago that I would not have been excited about something like this. I may have gone to look like a good Christian, but I would not have been looking to get anything out of it! Sad huh? Now, by Gods grace I want to learn what the Lord has for me. I want to learn more and more about him. I truly hunger and thirst for His righteousness!

Please pray for me and all of the men who will be attending this conference. Pray for the teachers too!

Just wanted to share this with you all because I am (uber) excited! As if you couldn't tell!



Anonymous said...

Sooo...like...are you really excited about going to this conference? Well, kick it up a notch or two already! hahaha
It was on my 'wish list'...but not this time - I am rejoicing with you though brother! I look forward to the blessing as you bring it back east with you.

Rob Peck said...

Thanks Tim,
Keep the national Conference in September in mind. Al and I are already talking about it. Blessings my brother and I wish you were joining us!