Friday, January 16, 2009

A cry I will never cry.

It was not too long ago that C.J. Mahaney and John Piper were talking about "the scream of the damned". If you are not familiar with this phrase I will try to give you a brief history. I believe that it was Sproul who first used the phrase in one of his books, it is however C.J. and Piper that made it famous. C.J. and Piper were both speaking at the '08 Resolved Conference last year and they both spoke of this "scream of the damned". If you are interested I am sure that both sessions are available too you to download. There was some disagreement or controversy over the phrase in the blog world. Interesting to think about or look into if you get a chance.

Let us get back on track here! C.J. used Christ's cry in Mark 15:34, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” as the "scream of the damned". "The scream of the damned". How terrible that Jesus had to go through a time such as this. Father God turned his back on the Son. The creator of the universe was tortured and died a horrible agonizing death. He was forsaken. I tremble to think about what that must have been like. The scream of the damned. Does that statement make you a little uncomfortable? It does me. It makes me squirm. God loves us enough to forsake his son. 2 Cor 5:21 says, For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. As uncomfortable as it may be to dwell on this particular scream, as followers of Christ and heirs of God, we will never have to cry out, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me!" We were made the righteousness of God because Him who knew no sin became sin for us. There is one and only one reason that I will never have to cry "the scream of the damned. Jesus. He paid the price in full at Calvary. Why He would do that for me I can not begin to comprehend. I know that I can never repay him. I can only love Him. I can only show Him that love through obedience. I praise Him for a cry I will never have to cry.

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