Friday, February 13, 2009

Camo Christian

I heard it said not too long ago that never in all of history has the church been so well blended into society. Never has the Christian been so hard to pick out. We have churches that look like coffee shops and lounges. We have parties just like the world does and call them fellowship. We have seeker friendly churches because we don't want to offend anyone with a Gospel that is of itself offensive. We have churches teaching universalism and ignoring parts of scripture because they believe that it's just not relevant anymore. We have softened the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ so much that there is no power because truth be told it's not the Gospel. We have stopped calling sin sin and there is no need to repent because if sin is not sin then we are not guilty of sinning! If only the persecuted church would take some lessons from us over here in America maybe they would not be persecuted anymore because they would blend in just like us!! There is no need to talk about Jesus, that is too offensive, let's just say god (lower case g intended) we can even call him Allah because that is the same thing right?

It saddens me that ''the church'' has fallen so far. It saddens me that evangelism is something that seems to be rarely practiced anymore. We are more afraid of hurting someones feelings then we are of hurting the One who we are evangelizing for. We are too comfortable with who we are. We are too comfortable with who we perceive God to be. Without Christ, God is terrible because He is all that is good and just and holy. A sinner without Christ has no hope! Let us spread the Good News!!!

Many Churches and ''Christians'' in America today are in trouble. We need to get back to the basics. The Gospel. We are not of this world. We are aliens here. We are told in scripture to not conform to this world but to be transformed! (Rom 12:2). What is it that we are to be transformed by? The renewing of our minds! Let us renew our minds with Gods word, not just parts of it but in its entirety. Let us rest in the Gospel. The truth!! Let us trust in the Sovereign. Let us work in His love to bring His word to those He created in His image.

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