Monday, November 23, 2009

Wretched Worms

Worms. When I think of worms I think of fishing. I think of hooking a worm several times and then sending that insignificant little critter to the depths to hopefully entice a fish to end up on my dinner plate. Worms are easy to find if you know where to look and if you don't well then they are relatively cheap to purchase at the nearest bait shop or convenience store. Worms are the old stand-by. If nothing else works lob a worm out there and chances are you will catch something. Worms are expendable. I don't know of many folks who would swerve their car to miss hitting a worm, or feel to badly about loosing a couple while fishing, maybe even end up staying a little to long in moms fridge. To our human perspective worms are just not that important in the scheme of things.

Thankfully our God's perspective is a little different! In Isaiah 41:14, ''Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I am the one who helps you, declares the Lord; your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.'' Not only does God refer to Jacob as a worm but He also declares that He is one who helps Israel, and He is their Redeemer!

The next time I am fishing I will be sure to look at that worm and think of myself, wretched worm that I am. I may still think that worm on my hook is not very significant but I will praise God that he sent his son to die for this insignificant worm that is me.


The Blainemonster said...

And it's hard to imagine a nightcrawler being arrogant and full of pride, but we still are!

Rob Peck said...

Good point Blain, thanks.