Monday, November 2, 2009

Lamenting Lip Service

If you have been following my blog at all as of late you know that I have been reading books such as Jonny Mac's ''The Jesus you Can't Ignore'' or ''Truth War'' and I just started Matthew Meads ''The Almost Christian Discovered''. Very convicting books that are often times not very comfortable to read but at the same time outstanding because of growth through the Refiners fire. One of the hardest truths I have been forced to come face to face with through all of this is that I am a very stubborn sinner. Probably obvious to those of you who are close to me! I have been spending time as of late in Isaiah and read a couple of verses this morning that really hit the nail on the head.

Isaiah 29:13-14a-
And the Lord said:
because this people draw near with their mouth
and honor me with their lips,
while their hearts are far away from me
and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men.
therefore, behold, I will again
do wonderful things with these people,
with wonder upon wonder...

Too often I am guilty of just giving the Lord lip service. Too often I fear God because that is what I am supposed to do. Last night I had a bit of an awakening through something wonderful that Lord has done and is doing. I had a conversation of sorts with my x wife and I told her that I wanted to be a family again. This is something that Ty and I have been praying about for a long time. I know that others have too and I thank God for your prayers. While she didn't say, ''Yeah! Lets do it!'' She was not opposed to the idea and said that she sometimes feels the same way. She said she is not ready for it now but is open to the possibility of getting together and talking about it sometime in the future. I encouraged her to pray about it and she promised me that she would. I believe that the Lord is working in both of our lives and I know that He will continue to do so. We may never be a family again and I am OK with that. I can't help but think that someday we will though. I praise God for doing a wonderful thing in my life last night in spite of the lip service I sometimes offer to Him. I am humbled before my great and sovereign God. Soften this heart of mine so I can be more usefull to you.


Anonymous said...

Amen brother, may the LORD be gracious to restore your family. And thank you for bringing me to these verses in Is 29. God's speaking voice is not silent.

Rob Peck said...

I know that you pray brother and I praise God for that! Please continue! I tend to be very easily discouraged and encouraged. I just need to be patient and let God do his good and perfect work!

It is awesome how God brings scripture in front of you when you need to hear it! For the word of God is living and active! Praise God!