Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My son and I used to have this ongoing battle. I would tell him that I love him and he would immediately blurt out, ''I love you more!'' I started telling him that until he could define what love is he can never prove to me that he loves me more (not that he ever could ;). Over the years this has turned into many great teachable moments. Often we turn to 1 Cor. 13 and read it together, or we talk about the gospel or any other scripture that may be relevant at the time. Now when I ask Ty to define what love is he says, ''I want what is best for you''. While that is probably an over-simplification, I believe he is beginning to grasp what love is.

While it is often much easier for me to see the shortcomings of others in this area of love I have to force myself to look in the mirror and I often have difficulty seeing my own face because of the tree I have sticking out of my own eye. Like all of you I have difficult people in my life. Do I picture them dying and agonizing death at my own hands or do I really want what is best for them? Do I brush them off because I ''don't have the time'' or do I want what is best for them? Am I to selfish to share with them the Gospel or evangelize them or do I turn and go my merry way.

If asked, I am sure that I would be able to explain to you what love is or at least what my understanding of what love is. If watched, I pray that I will also be able to show you through my actions what love is. I am continually aware of the two 13 year old eyes that are watching me constantly. As Paul told Timothy to watch his life and doctrine carefully, I need to do the same. We need to do the same. The world is watching. Will they be able to see in our lives that we love, or will they see instead that we just don't have the time.


TimW said...

In your words and in your actions, you have loved me well brother, from the first day at the MC as I planted my foot in my mouth until now. I echo Paul, I thank my God for you...
But you neither asked for nor want that blubbering stuff ;) What I do want to point to is God's grace, apparent in your life and the words coming up from your heart. It is always a wonder to see destroyed image-bearers being restored and reflecting the glory which is Jesus Christ the Lord. All of grace and precious to behold!
I just had to own up to 'not having the best in mind' for some who have acted in ways to bring much pain... for not being 'good news' to them in some of my fleshly responses. The Good News is that in spite of me/my sin, I have been made righteous for eternity through the blood of the Lamb. Wow!

btw... shall we plan for a 'caber toss' next time I'm in the Dacks? ;)

Rob Peck said...

I was thinking more along the lines of shooting stuff but I guess that throwing logs around is just as manly! Thanks for your encouraging words brother!

TimW said...

hahah... I was just trying to find something useful to do with these 'logs' in our eyes. ;)

I'm always ready for shooting stuff up!!