Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Follow me?

1 Cor. 11:1 is a very familiar verse that I would like to take a short stroll with. It says:

''Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.''

The apostle Paul was living his life in such a way that he could tell the Christian people of Corinth to do as I do, watch me, learn from me. He is not saying, ''do as I say'', but do as I do as I follow Christ. How many Christians are there now who can proclaim that? I guess there will be a lot of different answers to that question all depending on what your definition of a Christian is. If you refer to anyone and everyone who claims to believe in God as a Christian then your answer will be much different from that of someone who holds to the much tighter definition of Lordship Salvation.

Though not a fan of the title ''Lordship Salvation'' I do sit in this camp, that being said my answer to the above question is that there should be many Christians that can and do proclaim as Paul did. Follow me as I follow Christ. Those Christians who cannot should be on the road to that proclamation.

Can I make this bold statement? Am I living in such a way that I can tell others to live as I live as I follow Christ? Being a father I make that proclamation every day to my son weather I am aware of it or not. He looks up to me, wants to be like me. What am I saying to my son without even meaning to? If there is anyone on this planet that I should be able to say this to it is my son. There are times that I do not live up to this. I look back and all I can do is pray to God that that will not rub off on my boy. It is so much easier to say, ''Do as I say!''
We as Christians are being watched very much like my son watches me. What are you telling those who are watching you? Follow me as I follow Christ? Maybe it is something all together different? Maybe it's follow me as I follow my sin nature? I think as we proclaim follow me as I follow Christ those who are chosen will be attracted to how it is that we live much more then the words we speak. Our words will only carry weight if our actions are speaking more loudly then our mouths. Be doers!

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