Thursday, December 25, 2008

Contemplating Christmas

Last night I attended the Christmas Eve service at our church. What a time to think about or meditate on what it is that Jesus came to earth to do. I had the privilege of holding my little niece during the service, let me tell you, she has her Uncle Rob's heart wrapped around her little finger! What a delightful little blessing she is! Her name is Sophia and she is somewhat less then a year old. Not too long ago she learned to clap her hands and wave and she can do a pretty impressive army crawl too. I love her to pieces! (I need to state here for all of my siblings that I love all of your children equally! This post just happens to be about Phia.). Sophia was so cute! Every now and again she would turn and wave and smile at the folks sitting behind me. She would clap at the end of some of the songs and made these little sounds. Adorable! While holding this little baby last night it really struck me that Almighty God was once a small and helpless infant! Can you imagine Baby Jesus in his mothers arms, looking at the people behind him, waving and smiling? Cooing? Baby Jesus learning to crawl? Needing to be fed? This is the same Jesus spoken of in the first chapter of John. The eternal creator of the universe! Merciful and Mighty God! How could this be! Born a helpless babe. Needing to be cared for by humans. What a humbling experience! I understand that God is sovereign (as best as my mind can fathom). Jesus was safe. God was and is in control! Even so. Stop to think about baby Jesus today. Think about who He is. God. Savior. Redeemer. Friend. He now sits at God's right hand and intercedes for His people. A people washed in the blood of this little babe that was born so long ago. This little babe that was born to die. Little hands and little feet made to be pierced. Little head made for a crown of thorns. Little back made to be scourged. Little shoulders made to carry a wooden cross. Little baby made to die for the sins of the world. Your sins. My sins. So, Happy Birthday Jesus. My king. My Savior. My God. Thank you for humbling yourself even to the point of death.


Anonymous said...

and this is so not me...this perfect humility...perfect servanthood...I'm always looking for how someone will serve my needs. Yet, I am thankful for the provision of my Savior..that He came to seek and save the lost...the dead in sin...the proud..self-serving..ego-centric people like me. It is also helpful for me to consider this babe...Jesus, born of perfectly in the power of God...the same power that He offers me to walk in humble obedience and faith today. Thanks've provoked my thoughts again.

Rob Peck said...

Thank you so much for your transparency. It is good for me to see someone else who struggles with the same sin I do. Pride and selfishness are so prevelent in my own life. (among other things). My flesh is so weak.

We need Him and only Him. Lord fill the blackness of this wretched sin in our lives with your neverending love and grace! Make us more like you no matter the cost.

Thank you again Tim for your friendship.