Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Time Troubles

Christmas is broken. The more I grow in my Savior the more I am convinced and convicted that there is something dreadfully wrong with how we treat the birth of Jesus. A while back I posted a Pink quote about Christmas and ever since then I have been trying to wrap my mind around the proper way to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Nowhere in scripture does it tell us to celebrate Christs birth, only to remember Him in his death. Let me share a verse with you- "and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents". To me, that sounds like what Christmas is about today. Making merry and presents presents and more presents! This is the only place in scripture that I am familiar with where it talks about being merry and exchanging presents. Do you know where it's found? In Revelation (11:10). Do you know why they are celebrating? Because the beast had killed God's two prophets. Just some food for thought.

Here in America we are so spoiled. So used to getting what we want. We have the riches to get almost any material possession. It has been my experience that the more I get, the more I want! Moremoremore! The way we celebrate Christmas today just feeds that desire. Materialism. Idols. Self gratification. Those are terms I would use to describe today's Christmas. Sacred. Holy. God Glorifying. Selfless. Terms I think should be used to describe our Lord becoming flesh.

Let us remember this Christmas season not only the birth of our Lord, but also his life, death, and resurrection as well.

I apologize if this is a little scrambled. Welcome to my mind!


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