Monday, May 11, 2009

Born Twice

I was watching a program yesterday called ''House''. For those of you who don't know, it's a TV medical drama. This particular program was about a pregnant woman whose baby was literally killing her. The climax of the show was when House (the Dr.) did removed baby from mother, fixed the problem and then replaced baby. At the close of the program the woman asks Dr. House if her baby was going to be OK. House exclaims something like, ''Of course your baby will be fine, its the first baby in history to be born twice!''.

This brought my mind straight to Jesus in John 3 where he is talking with Nicodemus. Jesus says, ''Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” We must also be born twice. Our second birth is not at the hands of a fictional character named Dr. House but in the hands of our eternal creator and sovereign, God Almighty who chose us before the foundations of the world (Eph 1:4)!!! We know that same God will hold onto us and work in our lives for our good until we are perfect and complete, lacking in nothing (James 1:4)! That same God is in heaven even now preparing rooms for those whom He has called (John 14:2).

I love how the Holy Spirit can use silly things like TV programs to remind us of the truths that are held in the Holy Scriptures!!


THEOparadox said...


Good post. I enjoy watching House occasionally, but I've never gotten anything so edifying from the show. I wonder if the writers had any idea of the spiritual parallels.


Anonymous said...

given the content of your posting... I'll give a strong recommendation for John Piper's lastest(?) book "Finally Alive"... is all about rebirth! and without the negative arrogance of Dr House... hahahaha, (yes, I'll admit I have seen a few these shows). (btw, has House done any shows about 'deer ticks'? wink wink nod nod.

Rob Peck said...

Thanks for the recomendation! I have that book sitting on my night stand! Yes, I do believe there is a deer tik episode! Ha Ha! Have a good one brother! You need to come experience some adirondack black flies! They are hot!!!