Sunday, August 1, 2010

Churching the Unchurched

A friend of mine shared this quote with me the other day. I had to borrow it from the ''Truth Matters'' blog to share here.

What do we need besides the gospel to attract the lost to the cross? Nothing. This job belongs to only One.

"Churching the unchurched is an absolute fallacy – it is like purposing to let the tares in. It is absolutely bizarre to want to make unsaved people feel comfortable in a church. The church is not a building – the church is a group of worshiping, redeemed, and sanctified people among whom an unbeliever should feel either miserable, convicted and drawn to Christ, or else alienated and isolated. Only if the church hides its message and ceases to be what God designed the church to be, can it make an unbeliever comfortable."

John MacArthur


The Blainemonster said...

That is powerful, Rob. I'm gonna chew on that one a bit and let the truth sink in!

Rob Peck said...

It is good to hear from you Blaine! Let me know your thoughts as you digest!

Anonymous said...

This is very good. Glad I landed here!

Rob Peck said...

Thanks for stopping in Pennedpebbles!