Monday, October 5, 2009

Reflections of Rob

At the '09 DGNC Doug Willson said the following, ''Gods word is authoritative in everything that it teaches, and it teaches everything.'' Gods word is sufficient. There are many who do not agree with that even in ''Christian'' circles but that is not what I want to talk about today. As a whole, I believe that Gods word points to the Cross. The gospel is the one issue all of scripture proclaims. A friend of mine recently said to me that if you can't get to the cross in every sermon you preach old testament or new you are not presenting the message properly. The gospel should be at the center. If the bible were a target the gospel would be the bulls eye. It should be what we aim for. There are many other things that the bible teaches, some more important then others, but the gospel is really what it's all about. Please don't for a second think that I am downplaying anything in the bible. All of Scripture is Gods eternal word. It is all important but the Gospel is central.

There has been much talk in my neck of the woods about the unborn, infants, and the mentally handicapped, specifically where they go when they die. I have read many essays and articles and listened to some sermons on this sensitive issue. I have spent time in prayer and reviewed the scriptures that were brought forth in my study. Many godly men have come to the conclusion through much study of scripture and prayer that all of these go directly to heaven. Others will say that while scripture does have something to say on the issue that they are not comfortable saying that all baby's go to heaven. I would have to say that I do not sit in the all baby's go to heaven camp, I do however sit in the Romans 8:28 camp, ''And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.''

That being said, I still believe that Gods word does teach everything. Until we reach glory we will not understand what that everything is. His word is sufficient. There are hills to die on in regards to the truth of scripture. The gospel is one of them. Where baby's go when they die however I will happily leave in the hands of my sovereign God to do what is good.


Anonymous said...

AMEN, thank you for this:

"As a whole, I believe that Gods word points to the Cross. The gospel is the one issue all of scripture proclaims. A friend of mine recently said to me that if you can't get to the cross in every sermon you preach old testament or new you are not presenting the message properly."

Could not agree more. The gospel is the storyline of the Bible, Jesus is the hero of the Bible...God is forever just and the justifier of those who faith in Christ Jesus. Thanks!

Rob Peck said...

Thanks for reading and comenting Bro. I have not had a chance as of yet to hear your message that Tim posted but I do look forward to it! Looking forward to some Green Pond fellowship next month!