Monday, September 28, 2009

DGNC 09 and John Calvin

It is often easy when looking at the impact a single man has on Christianity to forget the fact that this man was simply a sinner used by and gifted by the Almighty for His glory. It is true that Calvin was a man used mightily by God. It is true that Calvin and his writings have had a significant impact on all of Christianity. It is also true that John Calvin was only a man, a sinner, saved by grace. It is because of that grace that this man had the impact that he had. It is also important to remember that there are many other historical Christian men that have been used by God in a similar fashion, Luther, Edwards, Augustine, and Spurgeon, to name a few. I may be referred to as a Calvinist but it is important to remember that it is God that I aim to glorify and the gospel I am to proclaim. I believe that this is the desire of most that bear the title of Calvinist.

It was Sam Storms who mentioned a quote of Calvin that has very strongly been on my mind. It follows.

''As Calvin wrote, "we ought to learn to have one foot raised to take our departure when it shall please God." Let us diligently work at our jobs and honor our employers, but let us do it with one foot raised. Let's get married, have children, devote ourselves to our spouses, but do it with one foot raised. Educate your children, Mom and Dad, but do it with one foot raised. Weep at the grave site of a child that has died in infancy, but do it with one foot raised. Read a book, write a book with one foot raised. Cheer for your favorite football team with one foot raised. Plant a garden, plant a church, open a savings account, invest in a stock, but do it with the anxious expectation, the joy-filled hope, the anticipation of the heavenly life and the felicity of the life that will be ours.''

In everything we say and everything we do we are to live as though glory is just around the corner.. How different would our lives be if only we consistently live in such a way. How different would the Church be? This thought is helping me understand better what it is that Milton Vincent wrote in his book ''The Gospel Primer''. It is this thought that is helping me understand better what it means to live our lives with the gospel always in front of us. It is so wonderful to know that the gospel is something that we will be learning about for eternity. What a mighty God we serve!

Just a quick note. It is so important to to worship the God of heaven and not heaven itself! Yes heaven will be glorious, but as Shai Linne says, ''I don't want to go to heaven if God is not there!''

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