Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Careless Comfort

I was thinking today about two things that kind of came together in an interesting way. The first is ''once saved always saved''. This is not the ''P'' in TULIP. This is fire insurance. This is saying a prayer and then living however you want to. This is not perseverance of the saints. This is self seeking assurance that one day we will all be in glory regardless of how we live. We all know people who say that because they prayed a prayer or walked an isle or raised their hand to receive salvation. ''How dare you question me!" "You are so judgemental!" They need to be ''unsaved'' before they can be truly saved. I am not saying that you can not get saved from praying a prayer or walking an isle or raising your hand. What I am saying is that after salvation there is a change. One becomes a new person. The old is gone.

I was also thinking about Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Could that not just as easily read Lord, Lord, did we not pray a prayer? Lord, Lord, did we not walk an isle or raise our hand? Lord, Lord? Oh! What a terrible truth these people will face believing that they are saved when they are not! I have many friends who are in this dire situation. Do I love them enough to talk to them? Do I love them enough to share with them the lie that they have bought into? Do I love them enough to make them uncomfortable? Do I love them enough to to make myself uncomfortable?

A friend of mine over at the vertiCALL http://theverticall.blogspot.com/ says this about comfort, ''In terms of spiritual growth, comfort has never made me any stronger or any wiser. Not once. Anything I've learned has been an outgrowth of difficulty or danger or depression or doubt or discipline. Comfort is nice, but it's overrated. '' (Thanks Blaine!)

Comfort is a crutch that many of us are resting on far to comfortably! Ahhh the American church. So comfortable. So easy to say, ''Yeah, of coarse I'm a Christian''. It is time for me to start stretching my comfort zone a little more. I need to love them enough to confront them carefully tactfully and lovingly. Stand with me!

Father make that my hearts desire.


The Blainemonster said...

Great points you've made Rob, and challenging. I know that so many in my denomination (A/G) perceive the "P" in TULIP as merely "once saved always saved." You're right on - that is NOT perseverance of the saints. My A/G friends spurn OSAS because of the people who believe they've prayed "the prayer" so they can go live however they want. I don't think anyone, Arminian or Reformed, really believes that. I just wish more folks in the A/G would see what is truly meant by TULIP, and see the beautiful truths in it. Sometimes I feel like an undercover agent . . . :)

THEOparadox said...


Nice post, and it goes right along with my study of the Canons of Dordt yesterday (listening to the audio). I was astounded when I first discovered OSAS wasn't perseverance. Two totally different things! Totally different, yet often confused, unfortunately.


God sovereignly moved me out of the A/G some years ago, but I'm glad to know there are still theologically grounded folks like you in that denomination. I still love my A/G brethren and admire many godly people there. I can understand that you feel like an undercover agent, but hey, you gotta "bloom where you're planted," right?


Rob Peck said...

Blaine, or should I call you secret agent man? For most of my life I thought that OSAS and P where the same thing. It was a startling and beautiful truth to come to terms with! I will be praying for you and your flock!

It is good to hear from you brohter! It is sickening how Satan gets his fingers into doctrine and screws things all up. Awesome to know that we have a sovereign God who overcomes though!

Grace be with you friends!