Monday, August 31, 2009

A Really Really Big But

Recently I was sharing some scripture with someone I know. It was straigt forward, no nonsence scripture. It was the kind of scripture that the world would look at as foolish. It was scripture that should make the Christian wonder and pray. This person responded to this scripture with a ''Yes, but''. ''Yes, it may say that but I think...''. The sad thing is that this person professes to be a Christian.

''Yes, but''... Very dangerous words when it comes to Gods word! It is the ''Yes, buts'' that are polluting the very gospel of Jesus. It is the ''Yes, buts'' that are responsible doctrines, very important doctrines being set aside in order to promote unity with folks the likes of which Jesus himself turned away.

While it saddened me to hear this person respond in this way it caused me to examine my own life. How many ''Yes, buts'' do I have in my own life? I think we all have them in our lives to some degree. Let us watch out for these ''Yes, buts''. It is these ''Yes, buts'' that slow our growth as men and women of God. It is these ''Yes, buts'' that cause dissension and quarrels. Pride, our biggest and most damaging ''Yes, but''. Let us grow in the gospel. Let us rest there. Find refuge there. Let us rest in sufficiency of Gods grace. 2 Cor 12:9.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

It is easy to see in others, especially when they actually say it to you out loud and not notice that you are doing it in your own life. Thanks for that, Rob.