Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Very Christmas/Gospel Message

Christmas. The thought of this holiday brings many thoughts to mind. Family , frineds, food, lights, trees, angels, shepherds, a manger, and most importantly a baby, called Jesus, Emanuel, God with us. We creatures do not deserve this attention that God has bestowed upon us.

We often think of the baby Jesus this time of year and forget that this babe wrapped in rags is God. This Child who was placed in a food trough to sleep is the beginning of last chapter of the Gospel. This infant was born to die, to conquer sin and death for a broken humanity. Such humility as Philippians 2 explains so well.

Born to die a terrible death at the hands of man. Born to be placed in the hands of Satan to do his worst. Born to suffer the wrath of His Father for the sins of men. What kind of love is that?

It is easy to dwell on the suffering of Christ, but what about that of the Father? I am a father. I have a son. I love my son dearly, but no where near the perfect love that the Father and the Son shared. I could not bear to watch my son suffer and die for a dirty, rotten, selfish scoundrel. Yet this is what God did. For you. For me.

Let us remember not only the birth of Christ this season, let us contemplate the Gospel as it is taught throughout scripture. Let us remember that this Gospel is all about God and Him reaching out to dirty rotten selfish scoundrels that are not worthy of this Babe who was born to die so that we, his chosen, may live.

Peace and blessings

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